Jorge Ros


Simuero inspires me to experiment with materials and volumes, as an excuse to connect with people through unique objects. In a world where automation and mass production are present in all areas of our lives, craftsmanship allows me to connect with my inner child and value the process over the result.

Pieces: Marea, Agosto, Sello Soye, Por Un Perro, Eslabón, Marco, Polo, Simuero Bracelet, Una Caracola, 8 PM.

Since we started the project until today, everything revolves around the product. We are obsessed with metal and the infinite possibilities it has to result in something unique. It is a living material with infinite lives, capable of deforming, breaking, wrinkling, swelling and, above all, melting again to become a new opportunity for creation. We do an almost archeological work with each piece of jewelry in order to reflect in the communication its textures, stones, imperfections and materials involved in the process, and it is the driving force of our creative inspiration.

I had never worn jewelry before, and now it seems hypnotic to me. I love their weight, volumes and the feeling that combining different ones with each other enhances them.